Thursday, October 24, 2013

GL and the MIGHTY yellow lamp!

Morning true believers and followers of SAS! So I've received some feedback asking for these posts, penned by none other than myself, Jubilant Jeff V, to focus more on some personal collecting stories and feedback while I tie in some commenting on this week's theme. This week's SAS was Green Lantern #5. "The Power Ring that Vanished". Now, I always start out with HIGH hopes for a silver age Green Lantern comic and usually as the story unfolds my hopes are left as ablaze as The Human Torch. I JUST DON'T GET IT! JOHN BROOME IS THE WRITER! HE WROTE FOR THE FLASH AND THOSE PLOTS WERE WELL DEVELOPED, SCIENTIFIC, AND WITTY! (this is now the point where I turn into the rage comics guy) JOHN BROOME, Y U RUIN GREEN LANTERN FOR ME!!!!!

That's right folks, in Green Lantern's first appearance in Showcase #22 GL can apparently handle many things for he is THE MIGHTY EMERALD GLADIATOR! Except yellow lamps, that is where he draws the line. 

I really do try and like GL, the concept behind it always fascinated me but the silver age green lantern, what Glorious Gil Kane is often best known for, just irritates me because I really do try to like it. Looking back on the character, I understand what DC was doing as they were writing for a young audience. The stories Broome penned for GL are often simplistic, vocabulary is not very advanced, and GL tends to feel like he is deliberately trying to teach instead of just letting that happen naturally while the story unfolds. GL #5 that I read this week was no different and disappointing as this week GL was taken out by a tree limb which is the catalyst that sparked this week's love/hate post. I have a few more GL's that I acquired in my DC haul about a month ago so once again, my hopes will be high. Ya know, its strange. After reading a bad SAS that I really had high hopes for, it actually puts me in a funk for about a day or so. It just feels like such bitter disappointment that I inherently get angry at my comics and then, inevitably I'm like, its ok, I still love you. 

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