Sunday, October 13, 2013

Part 1 of Special Double Size Post!

So after compiling my first post on the winged wonders of Thanagar and publishing it for all admirers of comicdom to see, I wanted to treat my readers to a special double size issue posting, but fear not true believers, no quarter is necessary for payment of this double size issue! What awaits you, the reader, inside this posting? Well this special posting will be broken up into two separate posts with this post being #1 of 2 with #1 featuring a bit of origin story if you will; a place where it all began.

I had not always been an avid member of comicdom, as I am now. I had always loved superheroes, they had fascinated me beyond belief and quite frankly the fact that they still do as an adult is what makes the ideas of Stan Lee, Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster, Jack Kirby, Carmine Infantino etc. truly immortal. So what was the spark that lit the fire that set my love for silver age comics as ablaze as The Human Torch? 


Well, the answer to that question and more awaits you, the reader, as you follow me on a journey.  


Journey into Mystery with the Mighty Thor #114 will always be what I measure silver age comic books against. Though there may be more valuable issues, issues with more color or pop on the cover, issues that are in better condition than mine or those that feature a more pivotal story inside; this book truly encapsulates the silver age of comics. #114 is penned by Stan Lee and drawn by Jack Kirby and it was this union, though at times an unhappy one, which brought sheer joy to the readers that would open up a Stan Lee and Jack Kirby masterpiece! This issue was my first first and as it can be for many members of comicdom, you never forget your first first.The cover of this issue features the Mighty Thor squaring off against a new villain, THE ABSORBING MAN and garnishes the tag line “The Stronger I am the Sooner I Die!” The Absorbing Man has been given a most unique power, a power bestowed on him by Loki, God of Mischief.  


As the story progresses, Thor finds that he is quite literally battling himself. Like a heavyweight title bout, the Absorbing Man matches Thor punch for punch and pound for pound.  


Thor comes to the realization that this is a battle that he simply cannot win. This is where things get interesting. Thor is summoned, in the middle of battle, back to the realm eternal, back to Asgard itself! It is here that we see the brilliance of a Stan Lee and Jack Kirby epic:  


Now, as I mentioned in my first post, Marvel loved their multiple part story lines, which from a bottom line standpoint I 100% understand. As a collector, I can’t help but despise this brilliance just a little bit. Regardless of that though, it is this comic, Journey into Mystery with The Mighty Thor #114 that sparked a love that I will forever be indebted to Stan and Jack for creating and sharing. A love that I now want to share with all you, my new and loyal followers of SILVER AGE SENSATIONS (SAS for short)! Oh, and as always……EXCELSIOR!

P.S. Head on over to part 2 of this special double sized issue post for my weekly review of a new (new to “THE”collection anyway) Silver Age Sensation! This week we have a review of The Flash #118 “The Doomed Scarecrow!” 

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