Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Upper Deck! National Hockey Card Day! ePacks! And more!


Well hockey fans, card collectors, and sports lovers, Upper Deck is at again. They are continuing to remind us how awesome they are and how much they love hockey and all their fans! Make sure to visit your local card shops or hobby shops to pick up your free pack of Upper Deck Hockey Cards. In the meantime, here's a look at what USA fans can look forward to: 

And here is a look at what Canadian fans can look forward to come February 6th:   

Make sure to check out http://upperdeck.com/nhcd/ for all the details!  

If innovation is the name of the game then Upper Deck should have that word trademarked as they have just recently launched a brand new platform for collecting! Whether you are a veteran of the collecting game or just looking to get started and see what this is all about, e-Packs have a little bit of something for everyone. Upper Deck has melded digital and physical card collecting into one platform as collectors can digitally collect scanned in versions of real cardboard, digital card exclusives, and request to have select cards that have physical counterparts mailed to them for a small shipping fee of around $3. Packs cost about $3.99 but let's say your collecting on a budget, like me. Well Upper Deck has considered that angle and offers free daily packs containing 3 cards per pack so that people like us can still have fun and get in the game too! So head on over to https://www.upperdeckepack.com/ and start seeing what all the fuss is about!  

February is the month of love so I thought that it would be fun to think about what cards or card in your collection makes you nostalgic and makes you feel romantic about hockey. There is a famous line in the movie "Moneyball" in which Brad Pitt says "It's hard not be romantic about baseball" and I think that this can really apply to any sport that you have passion and love for. The card in my collection that makes me romantic about hockey is this card right here, my 1/3 Tony Esposito Upper Deck Artifacts Hockey card. This card is the perfect balance of amazing, awe inspiring, and filled with hockey history. After you look past the obvious fantastic (that it's signed by Tony "0") you see that that the card contains 2 pieces of Tony "0''s leg pads and YOU CAN EVEN SEE SOME SCUFF MARKS ON THE PADS! I can't tell you how many times I've felt those pads and thought about what it must have felt like for Tony to strap those on every game and take his place between the pipes! I can't tell you how many times I've looked at that scuff mark and thought "I wonder if that's a scuff mark from a save that Tony made, maybe even a shutout preserving save! So I ask you hockey fans and collectors all around the world, what in your collection inspires the love of hockey because quite honestly, "It's difficult not to get romantic about hockey".